
the story of life on earth- extinct hainan gibbon by ben garrod lists the causes why there are less than 35 hainan gibons left in the world today.

This book has the best facts about the natural world including the immmortal jellyfish and bird that drinks blood! find out more in this book by ben hoare.

Amanda wood and mike jolley did a great job with writing this amazing book all about habitats, plants and creatures.

In the late 1800s wolves roamed all over new mexico. this book tells the sad but true story of a pack of grey wolves.

destination: planet earth is a great introduction to physical geography and is wrttten by jo nelson and beautifully illustrated by tom clohosy cole.

this book has oodles of imformation about our awesome planet. it is written by jon richards and ed simkins. Our amazing planet: the world in infographics is a great book for wildlife and nature fanatics.

This book is filled with facts about the animals that call the southern hemisphere their home. it is by  dieter braun.

If the earth's entire history was translated into 24hrs mordern humans (aka us) would appear in the last second.